Qualifying clients (living in the Easilink area, with no access to public or private transport), can use the service to attend appointments in;
Clients can also use the service to attend any other health appointments in the Western Trust area.
The subsidised fares are outlined below:
Yes, a friend, carer or family member can travel for free with the person attending the appointment.
Unfortunately this applies to one friend, carer or family member only – any additional passengers must pay the fare as outlined above.
To register as a member and book a trip please contact your local Easilink Community Transport office.
STRABANE – (028) 71 883282
OMAGH – (028) 82 248140
Bookings must be made at least 2 days before the date of your appointment.
N.B. we strongly advise that clients make their bookings as early as possible, as trips will be allocated on a first come first served basis, and are limited to our available resources.
Bookings must be made at least 2 working days before the day of travel.
Booking lines are open from 9am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.
The Diamond Centre, 630 Barnailt Road, Claudy BT47 4EA
028 7188 3281
Unit 12, Strabane Enterprise Agency, Orchard Road, Strabane, BT82 9FR
028 7188 3282
29B Gortrush Industrial Estate, Omagh, BT78 5EJ
028 8224 8140
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